From Flab to Fit, Foxy, & Fabulous!
Do you ever have those days when you feel like you are spiraling out of control and just can't get your shit together? You are unmotivated to workout and eat healthy and are ready to throw in the towel . I often wonder to myself why I let my mind or "inner demon" get the best of me. So the question is, how do we fight that demon and kick him to the curb? Especially on those days when you just don't give a shit! With that being said, here are a few of my ideas, but I strongly encourage you to reply to this Blog post with any great ideas you may have! It may be the one idea that can help motivate someone else!
~ Journal- I think it's a great idea to keep a journal with your diet and exercise, weight, body fat, before & after pics, etc.. When you have it saved on paper, on your cell, or even computer you are able to look back and see what great progress you have made!
~ Have an accountability partner- sometimes having that person check in with you daily, weekly, or on an off day is just the boost you need to keep going!
~ Find a group that can help support you- joining something like CK coaching, Weight Watchers, or doing a challenge can help keep you motivated because you will have awesome support from like minded people and people who are striving towards the same goals as you!
~ Have a clear designed plan- you can get advice from a trainer, or my #1 recommendation would be from CKCoaching.co he creates a personalized plan tailored just for you!
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