Sunday, November 11, 2012
Join Us For Tonic Ball This Friday!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Technology for the healthy and fit lifestyle!
I've continued to drop inches and recently been able to fit in a smaller pant size! These little things help keep the momentum going.
Get Healthy, Get Fit!
Since the start of my transformation and in searching for ways to change my lifestyle I've come to realize that this time around I haven't hit a point of burnout like in the past. It's important to find new ways to keep the healthy and fit lifestyle from being boring. Your attitude towards your workouts, eating healthy, and making a drastic change in your body is huge. In the past I've learned from CKcoaching that by keep a journal and taking frequent pictures and body measurements along with body fat percentage is an important component to the healthy and fit lifestyle. This gives you something to reflect on weekly to help keep the momentum going. Also, sometimes it's hard to find a solid support system, especially when you reach a point of burnout. Let's face it, sometimes doing the same old routine just gets boring! With all that being said, CK has been helping to incorporate new ways to keep the momentum going by using the latest technology for workouts. Things such as iphone apps and watches to help record your calories burned, run, bike, lifting routine, and diet. This is a very helpful way to track your information and progress pretty easily. I encourage you to contact CK to see what kind of new and exciting things he's been working on.
What new technology out there do you find works best for you??
Monday, June 25, 2012
Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge Coming Together to Solve HIT Problems
Sunday, June 24, 2012
To often we focus on what we don't have versus what we do have.
It's been almost two weeks since my last post since Chris recommended I take a break, but hopefully I will be back on track now. The past two weeks have been great! I've been doing about an hour workout or a little more each day. Mixing in biking and running for my cardio and then I incorporated about 20-30 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of yoga/stretching each day as well. It has been great because when you do all of that back to back it really gets your heart rate going! Also, I have still been focusing on a clean helathy diet and tracking my meals. Over the past two weeks I was able to break my 40 # mark since starting this challenge and I got to buy some new pants in smaller sizes! For a girl, that's huge! lol. My goal this coming week is to stay on track with diet and exercise and post a picture of how I've been doing. Also, I am going to be working towards a half marathon here in SD and hopefully will get in a 10K before then!
I decided to put that little bit about focus because sometimes we get to caught up in our daily lives and where we are going or what we want! It's important to take a step back and focus on all the blessing we have currently. Even for something so simple as having running shoes and a glass of water after your workout. I am so lucky to be able to workout outside year round and that I have family and friends who support me unconditionally with this journey I have been on.
What kind of things do you have in your life that you should focus on a little more?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Trying new Tricks!
Trying New Tricks!
This Past week was a great week because I tested out a new workout program that Coach CK recommended. CK tried it out as well, so I can't wait to hear his feedback as to what components he liked and didn't! I think trying new things within your workout regimen is key to keeping it interesting. It's easy to fall into the same old routine and get burnout from it! I must say that one thing I enjoy about being coached through CkCoaching is he's always testing new things and changing up each individuals workout keeping it interesting. The new workout this past week was a good and challenge for me. I continued to do about 30 minutes of running each day and then threw in the weightlifting. Weightlifting was challenging for me this week because I don't know all the exercises on the worksheet so it took me quite a bit of time in the gym to get through everything. However, at the same time it was a good experience because it got me doing research about the exercises and how to do each one. I'm looking forward to keeping up with the structured weightlifting and seeing what new tricks CK will be sharing!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Vacation Success!
Vacation Success!!
This Past week I was able to go back to the Midwest for a little vacation and visit with family and friends. I must say, it was a first for me that I worked out consistently while on vacation and was able to drop some #'s! The weather in the Midwest is definitely different with it being humid some days, hot as hell some days, & cool n rainy others! However, I was able to enjoy some nice runs, a little biking, and a few workouts in the gym with Coach CK. The first workout I got in with CK was at the YMCA. It was pretty cool because they had an inside track (me above, lol!). Running on the track was good because we were able to get in a bunch of laps at different levels of intensity. I must say one of the most inspirational things for me were all the words of encouragement from CK and two women who approached me during my workout at the YMCA. One lady said "can I give you a high 5? You are an inspiration that some day I will be able to run like you to!", the second lady said " You go girl, you are rocking it!". CK always pushes you to the next level and is very encouraging with words like "great job", "keep it up", "your kicking ass"! Sometimes it's the little words of encouragement that help you go far.
Also, I'm very impressed with the great biking work Chris and his girlfriend Amber have been doing as of lately. It's very cool to hear about it all and it is inspiring as well. Keep up the good work guys!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
2 Months and counting!!!!
5/26/12, Yesterday! That is the day that marks my 2 Months of changing my life. It originally began as a 10 day challenge that I have chosen to continue. I owe a lot of credit to CK for helping me through this Life changing experience and keeping me on track. Thank You! During the past two months I have had some ups and downs, but overall have had great success! I have slimmed down 35.8 pounds, completed a sprint tri, and am now going to be doing a few 5K's coming up, planning on a 10K in August and if I stay on track hopefully a half marathon soon after. I journal what I eat every day and plan my meals ahead of time so I can stay on track with a healthy diet. Also keeping fried food and fast food out of my diet as well helps! After having some heart issues, a huge family history of diabetes, and knowing how unhealthy it is to be "overweight", I have chosen to make this Challenge my lifestyle. One of my inspirations each day when I workout and eat healthy is seeing my before pictures (thanks CK for encouraging them!) and seeing the progress I have made. When I first met CK I wasn't even able to run a minute, now I can run over an hour and have been able to accomplish things I never thought imaginable. Being consistent and having a great coach is what has helped me to be successful & I believe that everyone is an athlete somewhere inside! "If I can do it, you can do it!"
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Keep Moving!!
Hope everyone is doing great and has a great week coming up. First of all I would like to thank Chris with CKcoaching for the continuing support on my adventure! This past week went well, especially since I was concerned not having something to train for. I went on a small trip and still managed to eat clean and workout like I have been in the past! This was a huge accomplishment for me because I usually put those two things on the back burner if I'm on vacation. I even managed to pull my girlfriends out to get in a few workouts as well. It's very motivating when you have that great support around you. CkCoaching was able to provide it for me during the 10 day challenge and everyone once in a while still checks in with me to see how my workouts are going. It's definitely a great motivator!
This past week I kept up with my running between 45-60 minutes a day and added in a little biking as well. I was also told about a great app for my iPhone called StrongLifts. With this app I was able to get in 5X5 lifts in the gym a few days as well. It's great to have variety with your workouts! I think the biggest challenge for me was running outside in the desert this week because it was so hot! lol. But I stuck to my guns and kept the momentum going. Now that I have been doing consistent workouts and eating clean it is finally a part of my daily habits and I'm feeling good. Hope everyone finds it in them to Keep Moving this week!!!!!
What things motivate you to keep going?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Life Changing
Bikes ready to go for Tri! |
This is the carpet you would run in on from the Bay after your swim |
These are the signs they used to direct everyone through each phase! |
This Past weekend was the Triathlon in San Diego. It was held in Mission Beach by the Bay. Mission Beach held the first ever Triathlon! Also, many people participated in the Olympic distance and several qualified for the upcoming Olympics which was fun to see. The weather was a little gray early in the morning and as usual for San Diego it got nice and sunny. The water temperature in the Bay was a cold 64 degrees. I had never attended a triathlon before and didn't really know exactly what to expect. I wasn't able to get any of my friends to participate, but after talking about it I think quite a few people will be down for it next time :). I was very nervous about going to the Triathlon solo, but was reminded the day before to just have fun. Well, It was definitely fun and a great learning experience. The Triathlon left me with the thought wondering what goal I can set to accomplish next! I hoping to give the Chicago Triathlon a try this summer, but want to come up with yet another goal.
Here are a few things I learned:
- Swim in Salt water before the race! lol. didn't expect how difficult it would be swimming as fast as you can while trying avoid the taste of salt water. lol
- Have a good bike! I thought just about any bike would be ok, but I was able to use a good bike of my coaches a while back and after this I realize it makes a huge difference.
- Just have fun! The only person you are racing against is yourself and if you are able to complete any race, you are a winner!
I have went through many cycles in my life with doing sports and working out. On again, off again! I have started from ground zero several times! Over the past few months I have came to realize one major thing. Anyone has the ability to do anything they set their heart and mind to. When I first started doing workouts a while back I went from sitting on the couch and doing nothing to accomplishing things I only dreamed of! I started out by jogging only a few minutes at a time and slowly worked up to an hour and a half recently. My advice to you is to start with mini goals and just keep rolling....... YOU have the ability to do great things!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Trial Tri!
Triathlon Training Trial
Stretch 5 minutes
Tri Trial run: bike 5 miles, run 2 miles, swim 500 meters
*This workout was way more challenging then I ever expected, but I am so glad I did the trial like Chris suggested.
Stretch 5 min
Run 60 minutes
crunches 5X25
jump rope 3 min
Yoga 10 min
Stretch 5 min
run 30 min
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Staying strong!
When you have a coach like CK, it's easier to stay on track with some things because he checks in to see how you are doing and keeps track of your success! This is just one of the many things I like about! Besides, when you see a picture of him being all tough it's hard to fall behind!
Sometimes it's challenging working 7pm-7am! I have a hard time figuring out when it's best to get in a good workout. I find that if I do it before I start my night shift it gives me a little boost of energy! Sometimes I find it hard to stay strong and keep the momentum going when I work 3- 12 hour shifts in a row. The 2nd & 3rd day are tiring. With that being said, what times do u find that work best for u?
4/30- 5 min stretch 30 min bike
3 min jump rope
6x10 leg press 6X10 calf raises
6X10 leg curls 4X3 min wall sits
5 min stretch
5 min stretch
45 min run
5X25 crunches
5 min yoga
5 min stretch
Hill run 3 times up and down
10 min cool-down jog
5 min stretch
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Keep on keepin on.......
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Staying Motivated!
Staying Motivated!
Coach CK encouraged me to get a new pair of running shoes. I let my old pair get a little worn out! I purchased this new pair 1+ weeks ago and it makes such a difference in my running. I don't have as many aches and pains, but I'm sure it has to do with more then just the shoe's. It's cool to see the progress I am making within myself. I recently read, "It took more then a day to gain it. It'll take more then a day to lose it. DON'T GIVE UP!!" (from tumbler). This little saying has helped to keep me motivated along with all the pictures that have been stacking up from my weekly workouts. I'm always look for what can continue to keep me going! What little tricks or things keep you motivated??
Sunday, April 22, 2012
30 Days To Success!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I have learned form CK himself that if we take a moment to Reflect on what we are grateful for each day it is very motivating & powerful! So, here a few of the many things I am grateful for that I reflect on daily.
I am grateful for having the ability to run on this hill!
I am grateful that I have daily guidance from a good coach!
I am grateful that my body is strong and I can workout each day!
I am grateful that I have awesome support from family and friends!I am grateful that I have the ability to create a healthy lifestyle!
Workout 4/17:
swim for 45 minutes
15X 2 laps of freestyle
10X 2 laps of kicking
15X 2 laps of freestyle
10X10 push ups
25X5 crunches
10 minutes of yoga
Workout 4/18:
5 minute stretch
45 minute run
5 minutes jump rope
5 minutes yoga
Monday, April 16, 2012
Good energy in, Good energy out!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
3 weeks & counting!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ever since I was young I have had a love for swimming. I was part of a swim team starting at 8yo all the way through my senior year of high school. With that being said, I feel swimming is an easy workout for me and comes naturally. I was excited when CK had me make swimming a part of my workout agenda! It's a nice change of pace from being in the gym or running and keeps things interesting.
5 minute stretch
30 minutes of lap swimming
15 minutes of kicking exercise
10 X 15 push ups
5 minutes yoga
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Today was a great day for putting the missing pieces together. After communicating with my coach I found what I needed! Structure. It's a great idea to have structure with workouts, diet, & in your social life. CK taught me by having a set plan for each and making them into easy habits you will create great success in your life! I truly believe this because since the start of my 10 day challenge, which has transformed into my new life habits, I have had great structure with my workouts and seen awesome results. I believe each of you could have this as well. I strongly encourage you to take part in so you to can learn. It's great because each person can have a structured plan tailored specifically for them!
30 minute lap swim
4X12 leg extension
4X12 leg curls
4X12 calve raises
5X25 crunches
30 minute jog
20 minute bike
Monday, April 9, 2012
No stopping yet!

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Running... & running.... & running....
I have been lucky because my Coach Chris keeps in touch with me each day and helps me with what kind of workout I should do. If you take a part in CKCoaching you to will have an individualized plan just for you!!
Today was a yet again, another beautiful day for a Run in San Diego. I took a picture of my usual go to place trail that I run on! CK and I ran on the trail a few times. I like it because I know the exact distance and exactly where it leads me, back home :). lol! I decided to step outside my comfort zone, take an adventure and not run on the trail today! I mapped out a route and ran 3.8 miles and then got in a nice leg workout in the gym. I must say, I probably won't use the trail much anymore!
4/6/2012 Workout:
- 3.8 mile run
- 4x12 leg curls
- 4X12 leg extensions
- 4X12 calf raises
- 3 min of jump rope
- 5X20 crunches
- 5 min yoga
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Swim on....
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Keeping the Momentum going!!
It has been my second day of workouts without my Coach CK here in SD! However, he has left me with great confidence in myself that I can be successful and reach my highest of goals. I'm not a fan of taking pictures of myself with my camera and I didn't come across anyone when I ran on the hill today, so I thought I would post a picture of what has been my biggest challenge.
I took this picture today when I was running back up the hill and was about half way back up! My last run with Chris was the day before he left and we ran for just over 60 minutes. During the run we ran up this hill and every bit of me wanted to stop (you can ask CK!), I may have even dropped the "F" Bomb as well. Oops!! lol. I was able to make it up with such great words of encouragement from CK! Saying "you can do it", "this is the easy part!", " you are bigger then this hill". So, today when I ran up the hill I reminded myself of those encouraging words and that this is something I knew I could already do!!!
Score: hill 0- wendy 1
Today's workout: 4/4/12
30 minute jog: hill X1
20 minute bike
4X10 of chin-ups
4X10 of arm curls
4X10 of dips
5X10 of push-ups
Yesterdays workout: 4/3/12
swam @ the YMCA doing 15 X50 meters
Monday, April 2, 2012
Day 10 of Wendy's 10 Day Transformation
1. 1 hour and 2 minutes of jogging with the mountain times 1
2. 5 minute cool down of walking
3. 5 minutes of cool down joggin
4. 10 minutes of yoga
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Day 9 of Wendy's 10 Day Transformation
1. 5 minutes of yoga warm up
2. 5 minutes of running
3. 2-3 minutes of walking
4. 20 of biking with 1 minute intervals times 5
5. 20 minutes of running with 1 minute intervals times 5
6. 50 chin ups with machine assistance 6-8 reps at a time (My workout was 64 Wendy was starting to catch up with me).
7. 100 girl push ups with reps of 20 at a time (My workout was 150 reps guy pushups)
8. 50 crunches ( Mine was 100 crunches)
9. 4 minutes of jogging cool down
10. 2 minutes of stretching
Remember not to do this workout unless you have a some base conditioning.
I'm getting Wendy ready to train for her sprint triathlon and simulating training that will mimic her race.
Join us today for our first teleconference call for our new $ 100 Fitness Challenge.
Wendy will cover the rules for the contest today at 8:30 PM.
The number is (702) 851-4044
Feel free to join us or check out for more information on coaching programs.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Day 8 of Wendy's 10 Day Transformation
2. Hike up Cowles Mountain the highest point in San Diego slightly over 1590 feet (CK's workout run up Cowles mountain for 10 minutes then hike up the rest until the last 400 meters and repeat then repeat the 400 meters a second time.
3. Jog down the moutain (I had Wendy jog down half of it. I ended up rolling my ankle twice so hiked down the moutain with a few spurts of jogging. If your prone to ankle injuries flat surfaces are better for running then).
4. 12 minute jog after the hike. You feel your legs burning up by this point.
5. 2 minutes of stretching.