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Monday, June 25, 2012

Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge Coming Together to Solve HIT Problems

A TechPoint Initiative

Registration Now Open for July 13th Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge
The Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge is open to clinicians, informaticists, IT professionals, and entrepreneurs. The fee is $40, which includes seminar materials, the luncheon, and the evening networking reception.
We also have a "Team of Three" registration option that costs $80 total, which represents a $13 discount per person (for a total savings of $40) when purchased together as a team.
Video Play
Watch video featuring Mark Hill and Alan Snell, and learn about the importance of participating
in the Hoosier Healthcare Innnovation Challenge. 

July 13, 2012
Agenda Highlights
8:00 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:45 p.m.

- Networking, introduction, and goals for the day
- Hear pitches from healthcare systems
- Discuss tools to achieve goals
- Produce product concepts with business models
     and value propositions
- Networking reception

The Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge is a TechPointinitiative that is brought to you by TechPoint's ALHIT Group(Advancing Life Sciences and Health Care Information Technology),Develop Indy and Ice Miller LLP.

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Challenge Topics
Submit problems/ideas that you would like to see solved.
July 13, 2012
Mark your calendar now for this daylong event focused on identifying healthcare IT problems and creating solutions.
IU School of Informatics
535 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Sign Up
Get notified as soon as more information is available for this unique event.
Follow Us on Twitter@HHIChallenge
Questions?Want to know how you can get involved or have other questions? 

Click here to email us.
Register$40 per person
$80 for a "Team of Three"
Who Should Attend?

Healthcare Industry
Hospital Administrators
Healthcare CIOs
Technology Industry
Software Engineers
University Professors
Technology CIOs

The Hoosier Healthcare Innovation Challenge is a "meeting of the minds" being championed
by local economic development, technology and healthcare advocates who recognize the 
critical importance of developing solutions to some of the most challenging health Information technology problems. 
                                                    Alan Snell, MD, MMM 
                                                                      Chief Medical Informatics Officer at St. Vincent Hospital
Brought to you by ...

Go to Develop Indy
Go to Ice Miller
Go to TechPoint

Sunday, June 24, 2012



To often we focus on what we don't have versus what we do have. 

It's been almost two weeks since my last post since Chris recommended I take a break, but hopefully I will be back on track now.   The past two weeks have been great! I've been doing about an hour workout or a little more each day.  Mixing in biking and running for my cardio and then I incorporated about 20-30 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of yoga/stretching each day as well.  It has been great because when you do all of that back to back it really gets your heart rate going! Also, I have still been focusing on a clean helathy diet and tracking my meals. Over the past two weeks I was able to break my 40 # mark since starting this challenge and I got to buy some new pants in smaller sizes! For a girl, that's huge! lol. My goal this coming week is to stay on track with diet and exercise and post a picture of how I've been doing.  Also, I am going to be working towards a half marathon here in SD and hopefully will get in a 10K before then!

I decided to put that little bit about focus because sometimes we get to caught up in our daily lives and where we are going or what we want!  It's important to take a step back and focus on all the blessing we have currently.  Even for something so simple as having running shoes and a glass of water after your workout. I am so lucky to be able to workout outside year round and that I have family and friends who support me unconditionally with this journey I have been on. 

What kind of things do you have in your life that you should focus on a little more?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Trying new Tricks!

Trying New Tricks!

This Past week was a great week because I tested out a new workout program that Coach CK recommended. CK tried it out as well, so I can't wait to hear his feedback as to what components he liked and didn't!  I think trying new things within your workout regimen is key to keeping it interesting.  It's easy to fall into the same old routine and get burnout from it!  I must say that one thing I enjoy about being coached through CkCoaching is he's always testing new things and changing up each individuals workout keeping it interesting.  The new workout this past week was a good and challenge for me.  I continued to do about 30 minutes of running each day and then threw in the weightlifting.  Weightlifting was challenging for me this week because I don't know all the exercises on the worksheet so it took me quite a bit of time in the gym to get through everything.  However, at the same time it was a good experience because it got me doing research about the exercises and how to do each one.  I'm looking forward to keeping up with the structured weightlifting and seeing what new tricks CK will be sharing!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vacation Success!

Vacation Success!!

This Past week I was able to go back to the Midwest for a little vacation and visit with family and friends.  I must say, it was a first for me that I worked out consistently while on vacation and was able to drop some #'s! The weather in the Midwest is definitely different with it being humid some days, hot as hell some days, & cool n rainy others!  However, I was able to enjoy some nice runs, a little biking, and a few workouts in the gym with Coach CK.  The first workout I got in with CK was at the YMCA.  It was pretty cool because they had an inside track (me above, lol!).  Running on the track was good because we were able to get in a bunch of laps at different levels of intensity.  I must say one of the most inspirational things for me were all the words of encouragement from CK and two women who approached me during my workout at the YMCA. One lady said "can I give you a high 5? You are an inspiration that some day I will be able to run like you to!", the second lady said " You go girl, you are rocking it!".  CK always pushes you to the next level and is very encouraging with words like "great job", "keep it up", "your kicking ass"! Sometimes it's the little words of encouragement that help you go far.

Also, I'm very impressed with the great biking work Chris and his girlfriend Amber have been doing as of lately.  It's very cool to hear about it all and it is inspiring as well.  Keep up the good work guys!

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" Creating the impossible is
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