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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quick tips!

Exercising is important, but a healthy diet is also just as important! Here are a few quick tips to a 4 hour cook week.

5 Quick Tips
1. if you like to cook with fresh herbs such as cilantro, basil, etc. Chop them all at the beginning of the week. place them in an ice cube tray, freeze them and when you are ready just pop out one cube and cook it with your brown rice or other healthy carb for that extra touch of freshness!

2. Designate a day a week to shopping and prepping. It is good to keep a running list of key items you like to pick up at the market or grocery store each week.
Fresh veggies, Fresh fruit, and lean proteins are all good things to keep on hand so you can make a quick meal!

3. It's a great idea to make little snack packs for the week. Package items in single serving snack bags or plastic containers. Keep them easily accessible in your fridge, lunch bag, or even desk at work! some ideas are: unsalted nuts, carrots, apple, string cheese, low fat cottage cheese, grapes, protein bar's, etc. It's a good idea to pair 1 protein and 1 simple carb for each snack. If you prep ahead of time you are more likely to keep on track!

4. Drink plenty of water! keep a water bottle within easy reach at work or even at home. It's important to stay well hydrated and try to drink at least 1 glass of water with each meal. It will help give you that full sensation and better digest your food!

5. Pack your lunch and snacks the day before! Most people plan their outfit or have a schedule of what they are going to do the next day. It's a good idea to take 15 minutes in the evening or before bed to plan out your meals for the next day! Pack 3 healthy snacks (1 healthy carb, 1 protein for each snack), breakfast, and lunch! Lunch ideas are: 1) a salad with chicken on it, light dressing, and piece of fruit 2) a sandwich with whole wheat bread, turkey, low fat cheese and a side of veggies 3) veggie soup, hard boiled eggs, and a piece of fruit 4) chicken breast and brown rice

If you keep it simple you will be more likely to stay on track!

Please respond to the blog post and add any other Quick Tips you might have to keeping it simple and healthy!


  1. Great tips! I also try to cook on Sundays and divide things into individual servings for the week. It makes it a lot easier to pick up on my way out of the door so I'm not tempted to go out!

  2. That's a great idea to Amber! I'm always looking for easy healthy eating tips! The more convenient the better :). Thanks for sharing.


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