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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Body for Life

Topic: Body For Life

You may find it helps if you are able to review all of or any of the following:
1. http://bodyforlife.com/
2. Body for LIFE Success Journal [Book] by Bill Phillips
3. Body-for-LIFE for Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation [Book] by Pamela Peeke
4. Body-For-Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical strength [Book] by Bill Phillips

First topic of discussion was from Body for Life by Bill Phillips, 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength.
We discussed Part I, The breakthrough "When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your Life". This section covered a couple of motivating stories from people that were successful with this 12 week program. It started with a young guy named Lynn who @ the age of 16 was shot in the abdomen by his friend from a gun accident. Lynn received 16 units of blood, went on to college and got engaged to a girl named Sara. While Lynn was in College he found out that he got HIV from his blood transfusions. This caused stress in his relationship with his fiance and after time Sara left. Lynn got very depressed and became quite overweight. He did Body For Life and was very successful, it helped him to break through his depression and make great gains in his life physically! (pg 5)
Next we discussed Danielle who was a 22 year-old RN and single mother of 2. She had been through a divorce recently and feeling like her life had gotten out of control. She watched Body of Work and also used her "before" pictures as an inspiration to help her experience breakthroughs with the Body for Life program. (pg 13)
Last we discussed Fred and Renee, this couple found inspiration in a magazine they had seen at a grocery store. They made breakthroughs together by helping one another being accountable! (pg 15)
After the review of these stories we were able to discuss the different things that motivate us in our lives! Each of us starts somewhere and finds what our motivators are. We came to the conclusion that having an accountability partner is huge with staying motivated and being successful.

Second topic of discussion was from Body for Life Success Journal by Bill Philips.

We were able to discuss the "Dream List". This is a list of words and phrases that come to mind when you think about what your life will be like after successfully completing 12 weeks of Body for Life. Once you have your dream list you take a few of the empowering words or phrases and use them to create your 12 week goals, what reasons you want to take part in the transformations, and what patterns or step you will need to take action. The discussion today was powerful and motivation for everyone. I hope after reading this Blog post you are inspired as well.

Please feel free to give us any feedback , questions, thoughts or experiences you have had with Body for Life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quick tips!

Exercising is important, but a healthy diet is also just as important! Here are a few quick tips to a 4 hour cook week.

5 Quick Tips
1. if you like to cook with fresh herbs such as cilantro, basil, etc. Chop them all at the beginning of the week. place them in an ice cube tray, freeze them and when you are ready just pop out one cube and cook it with your brown rice or other healthy carb for that extra touch of freshness!

2. Designate a day a week to shopping and prepping. It is good to keep a running list of key items you like to pick up at the market or grocery store each week.
Fresh veggies, Fresh fruit, and lean proteins are all good things to keep on hand so you can make a quick meal!

3. It's a great idea to make little snack packs for the week. Package items in single serving snack bags or plastic containers. Keep them easily accessible in your fridge, lunch bag, or even desk at work! some ideas are: unsalted nuts, carrots, apple, string cheese, low fat cottage cheese, grapes, protein bar's, etc. It's a good idea to pair 1 protein and 1 simple carb for each snack. If you prep ahead of time you are more likely to keep on track!

4. Drink plenty of water! keep a water bottle within easy reach at work or even at home. It's important to stay well hydrated and try to drink at least 1 glass of water with each meal. It will help give you that full sensation and better digest your food!

5. Pack your lunch and snacks the day before! Most people plan their outfit or have a schedule of what they are going to do the next day. It's a good idea to take 15 minutes in the evening or before bed to plan out your meals for the next day! Pack 3 healthy snacks (1 healthy carb, 1 protein for each snack), breakfast, and lunch! Lunch ideas are: 1) a salad with chicken on it, light dressing, and piece of fruit 2) a sandwich with whole wheat bread, turkey, low fat cheese and a side of veggies 3) veggie soup, hard boiled eggs, and a piece of fruit 4) chicken breast and brown rice

If you keep it simple you will be more likely to stay on track!

Please respond to the blog post and add any other Quick Tips you might have to keeping it simple and healthy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Teleconference call #1

The first call of 2012 went very well! We were able to cover the first 3 habits from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
A short breakdown of what we covered on the call is as follows:

Habit #1: Be Proactive
- Life's choices are yours so focus on things you can do something about!
example: health, diet, work, and happiness

remember, you are responsible for what you say, so be positive!
"I can!"
"I will
"I prefer!"

Habit #2: Begin with the End in mind (this is based on imagination)
First, clear your mind! Now think about and answer this question:
- What do you want to be when you grow up??
- are you that??

this is the ability to envision in your mind what you are not able to see right in front of you!

- there is the mental and physical creation, physical follows the mental
example: a building is built following the blueprint that was made for it!

Begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and take those steps with all your muscles to accomplish it!

Habit #3: Put first things first!
This brings habit #1 and #2 together.

- It is ok to say NO when it's necessary and to focus on your own highest priorities! "your in charge, your the creator"

It's about life management: purpose, values, roles, and priorities!

We were able to discuss these first three habits in detail on the teleconference call! We came up with the conclusion that it is good if you are able to visualize your results because in the end it may make it easier to reach them! Consider starting your day with a positive attitude, "I can take the steps necessary to accomplish my ultimate goal!"

I am interested to know what your take is on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and your interpretation/ view on this book! Please respond to the Blog.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Make 2012 Your Best Year Ever!!

You ever wonder how you can make this year your best year ever? This month we are going to make one simple change in our day that only takes 5-16 minutes a day. This simple change comes from listening or reading something positive each day.

You think this simple yet powerful technique won't change your life!! I've seen results in my confidence, success, energy, and charisma. And yes feeding your mind with positive material has also helped people around me as well with similar results.

Join us for our weekly teleconference were you can get the support and have the power to transform your life in 2012!!!

Chris Kostoff RN

Thursday, January 5, 2012

CK Coaching: Create Your Ideal Day and Your Workout!!! Phase 1...

CK Coaching: Create Your Ideal Day and Your Workout!!! Phase 1...: A simple way to set your self up for success in the new year is to create an ideal day and an ideal workout! 1. Grab a sheet of blank pa...

Create Your Ideal Day and Your Workout!!! Phase 1

A simple way to set your self up for success in the new year is to create an ideal day and an ideal workout!

1. Grab a sheet of blank paper or your IPhone Notes App!

2. Write down the list of activities that would empower you if you did them each day

3. Now go to calendar whether it's computerized or paper. Now start to schedule your time in daily for your ideal activities which would create fulfillment if you did them each day.
Inspire. Create. Coach.
" Creating the impossible is
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