The practice of keeping a journal is the trick that seems to work best for me when I'm trying to bring my body fat levels down and bring out my abs. When I plan in my journal what I will eat, the amounts of each food, and times I will eat, I start taking the direct action to make it happen. Journaling also allows me to go back years earlier to study what works and what does not and compare it to my current activity.
I have a few new twists to make journaling fun. Last night, my workout partner and I started doing reps of 10-20 reps of assisted pull ups for a total of 100 reps. We took it to the next level and recorded a quick video on the iphone of the workout so that could learn from your experience and make it fun! Videos assist with how the workout is executed and a great tool to gauge body composition while working out.
Do the same with your meals. You can create healthy meals and keep track of what you're eating by taking a quick photo of the finished product.