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Sunday, May 27, 2012

2 Months and counting!!!!


5/26/12, Yesterday! That is the day that marks my 2 Months of changing my life. It originally began as a 10 day challenge that I have chosen to continue. I owe a lot of credit to CK for helping me through this Life changing experience and keeping me on track. Thank You!  During the past two months I have had some ups and downs, but overall have had great success! I have slimmed down 35.8 pounds, completed a sprint tri, and am now going to be doing a few 5K's coming up, planning on a 10K in August and if I stay on track hopefully a half marathon  soon after.  I journal what I eat every day and plan my meals ahead of time so I can stay on track with a healthy diet.  Also keeping fried food and fast food out of my diet as well helps!  After having some heart issues, a huge family history of diabetes, and knowing how unhealthy it is to be "overweight", I have chosen to make this Challenge my lifestyle.  One of my inspirations each day when I workout and eat healthy is seeing my before pictures (thanks CK for encouraging them!) and seeing the progress I have made.  When I first met CK I wasn't even able to run a minute, now I can run over an hour and have been able to accomplish things I never thought imaginable.   Being consistent and having a great coach is what has helped me to be successful & I believe that everyone is an athlete somewhere inside!  "If I can do it, you can do it!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Keep Moving!!

Keep Moving!!

Hope everyone is doing great and has a great week coming up.  First of all I would like to thank Chris with CKcoaching for the continuing support on my adventure!  This past week went well, especially since I was concerned not having something to train for.  I went on a small trip and still managed to eat clean and workout like I have been in the past! This was a huge accomplishment for me because I usually put those two things on the back burner if I'm on vacation.  I even managed to pull my girlfriends out to get in a few workouts as well.  It's very motivating when you have that great support around you.  CkCoaching was able to provide it for me during the 10 day challenge and everyone once in a while still checks in with me to see how my workouts are going.  It's definitely a great motivator!

This past week I kept up with my running between 45-60 minutes a day and added in a little biking as well.  I was also told about a great app for my iPhone called StrongLifts.  With this app I was able to get in 5X5 lifts in the gym a few days as well.  It's great to have variety with your workouts!  I think the biggest challenge for me was running outside in the desert this week because it was so hot! lol.  But I stuck to my guns and kept the momentum going.  Now that I have been doing consistent workouts and eating clean it is finally a part of my daily habits and I'm feeling good.  Hope everyone finds it in them to Keep Moving this week!!!!!

What things motivate you to keep going?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Life Changing

Bikes ready to go for Tri!

This is the carpet you would run in on from the Bay after your swim

These are the signs they used to direct everyone through each phase!
Here are a few pictures that I got developed from a disposable camera. I didn't have a chance to take many, but enjoy!  

This Past weekend was the Triathlon in San Diego.  It was held in Mission Beach by the Bay.  Mission Beach held the first ever Triathlon!  Also, many people participated in the Olympic distance and several qualified for the upcoming Olympics which was fun to see.  The weather was a little gray early in the morning and as usual for San Diego it got nice and sunny.  The water temperature in the Bay was a cold 64 degrees.   I had never attended a triathlon before and didn't really know exactly what to expect.   I wasn't able to get any of my friends to participate, but after talking about it I think quite a few people will be down for it next time :). I was very nervous about going to the Triathlon solo, but was reminded the day before to just have fun.  Well, It was definitely fun and a great learning experience. The Triathlon left me with the thought wondering what goal I can set to accomplish next! I hoping to give the Chicago Triathlon a try this summer, but want to come up with yet another goal.

Here are a few things I learned:

- Swim in Salt water before the race! lol. didn't expect how difficult it would be swimming as fast as you can while trying avoid the taste of salt water. lol

- Have a good bike! I thought just about any bike would be ok, but I was able to use a good bike of my coaches a while back and after this I realize it makes a huge difference.

- Just have fun! The only person you are racing against is yourself and if you are able to complete any race, you are a winner!


I have went through many cycles in my life with doing sports and working out. On again, off again!  I have started from ground zero several times! Over the past few months I have came to realize one major thing.  Anyone has the ability to do anything they set their heart and mind to.  When I first started doing workouts a while back I went from sitting on the couch and doing nothing to accomplishing things I only dreamed of!  I started out by jogging only a few minutes at a time and slowly worked up to an hour and a half recently.  My advice to you is to start with mini goals and just keep rolling....... YOU have the ability to do great things!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Trial Tri!

Triathlon Training Trial

First of all I would like to thank CK for all the wonderful coaching I have had over the past few weeks! If it wasnt for him I would not be making the awesome gains I have been. Thank you  CK!

Through CKcoaching it is part of the program to set goals for yourself during the transformation. One of my small goals is doing a sprint Triathlon.  Through the great coaching of Chris I have been slowly working on all the pieces working towards my goal.  Today I did a trial run of the Triathlon.  I didn't do it in the exact order, but I did all 3 parts!  My goal this week is to do it in the exact order. 

What kind of mini goals do you find the best and most effective??

Stretch 5 minutes
Tri Trial run: bike 5 miles, run 2 miles, swim 500 meters
*This workout was way more challenging then I ever expected, but I am so glad I did the trial like Chris suggested. 

Stretch 5 min
Run 60 minutes
crunches 5X25
jump rope 3 min
Yoga 10 min

Stretch 5 min
run 30 min

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Staying strong!


     When you have a coach like CK, it's easier to stay on track with some things because he checks in to see how you are doing and keeps track of your success!  This is just one of the many things I like about CkCoaching.co!  Besides, when you see a picture of him being all tough it's hard to fall behind!

     Sometimes it's challenging working 7pm-7am! I have a hard time figuring out when it's best to get in a good workout. I find that if I do it before I start my night shift it gives me a little boost of energy! Sometimes I find it hard to stay strong and keep the momentum going when I work 3- 12 hour shifts in a row. The 2nd & 3rd day are tiring.   With that being said, what times do u find that work best for u?

4/30- 5 min stretch 30 min bike
3 min jump rope
6x10 leg press 6X10 calf raises
6X10 leg curls 4X3 min wall sits
5 min stretch

5 min stretch
45 min run
5X25 crunches
5 min yoga

5 min stretch
Hill run 3 times up and down
10 min cool-down jog
5 min stretch
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